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Debate / Meeting

Colloquium Allan Sekula

Photography at work

28 Jun 2013

The event is over

Allan Sekula, Dear Bill Gates [détail], 1999, photographie, impression sur papier. Courtesy de l’artiste et de la Galerie Michel Rein, Paris

An artist, theorist and teacher, born in 1951 in Erie, Pennsylvania, Allan Sekula now lives in Los Angeles. After a period specialising in performance art, since the 1970s he has examined the political, economic and social conditions of advanced capitalism using photography, text and film simultaneously. Sekula has always been concerned with the representation gaps affecting certain worlds, those of work, economic flows and education. To mark the release of his early theoretical texts in French, this symposium will examine the working of the text with images.

Allan Sekula, Dear Bill Gates [détail], 1999, photographie, impression sur papier. Courtesy de l’artiste et de la Galerie Michel Rein, Paris


28 Jun 2013
11:30am - 7pm


Petite Salle


Avec le soutien de la Terra Foundation for American Art Europe